Profilpak regularly works with engineering, parts, service,
marketing and manufacturing departments in developing pre-packaged
lubricants & adhesives to specification for your application. |
Profilpak develops packages that fit your needs so that
you'll never have to buy or supply products in unnecessarily large
or costly amounts. One stop to your finished product. |
Profilpak's designs make sense: consumers find them easy
to use... and they're designed to last. |
Profilpak fills orders fast, whether they're small or
large. |
Profilpak works hand in hand with companies, introducing
new products that require accessory packages of lubricants or
adhesives. |
Profilpak has decades of experience in getting new packaging
projects off the ground. If you've got a product just waiting
for a package, Profilpak's your answer. |
Profilpak can supply the complete item per your specifications,
or any part thereof. You pay only for the finished product. |
repackage many products, including Novagard® and other silicones. |